About Step By Step

Step by Step Allied Health provides Occupational Therapy services to the Macarthur and Wollondilly regions.


We believe in helping children and young people achieve their goals one step at a time

At Step By Step we are passionate about helping children and young people believe in themselves and achieve their goals. We do this by employing a strength based approach to help them build their skills, while also having fun in the process.

Our Core Values

Embrace Fun

We embrace fun in all aspects of the clinic. Within our sessions, we strongly believe that incorporating fun into interventions has a positive impact on not only the engagement of clients, but also their progress in their goals. We also believe that fun is an important element within the team culture to promote relationship building and wellbeing within the clinic.

Learn and Grow

At Step By Step, we prioritise client care by ensuring that all team members have the opportunity to learn and grow by developing their skills. We strongly value education by investing in individual, small group, and larger team training opportunities that focus on clinical, professional, and personal development so we always remain up to date with current trends and practices. We believe that there is always room for learning new skills and this will help ensure that our clients are receiving a high level of service.

We're a Team

We believe that teamwork is essential in our service. We see teamwork to include working together as a team to build our skills and work together to find the best ways to deliver our service. We also see our clients, their families, and their wider support community (Teachers, Educators, Allied Health Team) as part of our team and believe that a team-based approach will help us achieve the best possible outcomes for our clients, while ensuring that as a service we are always working on goals that are going to be meaningful.

Practice Ethically

We believe in providing an ethical service that has strong morals and values including integrity, respect, compassion, and honesty. This is encompassed throughout all areas of our service from our client interactions, administration procedures, and team communications. By ensuring that we are continuously practicing ethically, we can continue to provide a fair and high level of care to our clients and team members.